Sunday, June 10, 2012

25th fiafia cooking--Taiwanese Dry Noodles (08/06/2012)

<<<To Eat is To Be Healthy>>>   

TODAY SPECIAL: Taiwanese Dry Noodles  (6 Servings)

PLACE: Fetuvalu Secondary School



3 bowls of baking flour
1 bundle of cabbage
Black pepper
1 kg pork
Soy sauce
5 spring onions
(Indian spice)
2 cloves of garlic
1 onion
Sesame oil
Starchy power or corn flour


Braise minced pork with mushrooms.  Photo by Tracy



1.     Mince the pork.
2.     Marinate pork paste with salt, soy sauce, black pepper, sugar, and ground garlic for 20 minutes.
3.     Suck the mushrooms into water for 10 minutes.
4.     Chop 1 onion finely, and dice the mushrooms.
5.     Deep-fry minced pork till it becomes a little bit golden brown.
6.     Stir-fry diced onion, and put the mushrooms into the wok.
7.     Pour the minced pork into the wok, add some soy sauce, salt, masala, vodka and sugar to taste, and stew for 30 minutes-1hr over low heat.

                                 Photo by Lader
                       There are 106 students and teachers attending the workshop! Photo by Lader
                                 Practice Time!                            Photo by Lader
                                 Photo by Lader
8.     Sift 3 bowls of baking flour.
9.     Add 2 teaspoons of salt in the flour and mix it.
10. Pour 1 bowl of water into 3 bowls of flour, and stir it into flakes and join them into a pastry.
11. Knead the dough and throw it down about 3 times, and put aside for 30 minutes. (Awake the dough: To make the dough easier to shape)
12. Shape the pastry into strip, cut it into chunks, and shape them into the balls.
13. Use the rolling pin to make the pastry to be circular and flat.about 0.3cm of thickness
14. Folder the pastry and cut into 0.5 cm wide.
15. Sprinkle some starch powder on the top, and pull noodles gently to make them loosen.
16. Boil the noodle:
a. Boil the water, and put noodle in.
b. When the noodles are boiling, add a bowl of cool water to let it boil once again.
c. Add some sesame oil to mix with noodles.
17. Boil the cabbages.
18. Cut the spring onion into small pieces.
19. Pour the braised pork sauce in the noodles, and put the cabbage and spring onions on the top of noodles before serving.
                    Photo by Tracy                              Photo by Tracy

                                 Photo by Tracy
                                Photo by Tracy

         Photo by Tracy                                                   Photo by Tracy
  Nutritional Information for Chinese Cabbage
Chinese cabbage is used in a variety of soups, salads and Oriental recipes that include spring rolls and stir-fries. It is a healthy source of many nutrients and is a good addition to a well-balanced diet that supports overall health. Choose unblemished heads of Chinese cabbage and keep refrigerated until ready to use. Chinese cabbage comes in two varieties: bok choy and Napa, with varying amounts of nutrition.
Fat and Calories
Diets low in fat and calories allow you to control your weight and can help you lose weight as well, making Chinese cabbage a healthy choice for either type of meal plan. A cup of shredded bok choy contains 9 calories and virtually no fat. The same amount of Napa cabbage has just 12 calories and almost no fat.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a nutrient that supports immunity, collagen production and more efficient absorption of iron from the foods you eat. It also acts as an antioxidant, counteracting free-radical damage that might contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease. Women need 75 mg of vitamin C each day, and men need 90 mg. A cup of shredded bok choy adds 31.5 mg to this goal, and a cup of shredded Napa cabbage contributes 59 mg.
Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene
A cup of shredded bok choy contains 3,128 IU of vitamin A, and the same amount of Napa cabbage has 242 IU. Vitamin A intake recommendations are 2,310 IU for women and 3,000 IU for men, making bok choy the better option in this case. Vitamin A is important for immunity because it aids in the production of white blood cells, which fight invading viruses and bacteria that make you sick. It also plays a role in reproduction, cell division, eyesight and the growth of your bones. Beta-carotene is a nutrient that is converted to vitamin A in your body and increases the benefits of it. No daily intake recommendations for beta-carotene exist, but its presence in Chinese cabbage is beneficial to your health. A cup of shredded bok choy has 1,877 mcg of beta-carotene, and a cup of shredded Napa cabbage contains 144 mcg.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a nutrient found in many leafy green vegetables, including Chinese cabbage. A cup of shredded bok choy has nearly 32 mcg, and a cup of shredded Napa cabbage has almost 33 mcg. With daily intake recommendations at 90 to 120 mcg, Chinese cabbage is a healthy way to contribute to this goal. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health.

                       What a considerate and smart girl~Junior Tracey :)  Photo by Tracy
                 She has talent!      Photo by Tracy       My lovely sisters ^^     Photo by Tracy 

                                 Naughty and sweet girls               Photo by Tracy
                    Photo by Tracy                              Photo by Tracy

                    Photo by Tracy                           Photo by Tracy


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